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DMCA Copyright Infringement Notification

Xcreators.link respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Please Note: “xcreators.link” solely provides links to external websites (“Third-Party Sites”) that host content, and does not host, store, or control any content directly.

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and is accessible via links on this website, we encourage you to take the following steps:

  1. Contact the Website Hosting the Content: Identify the Third-Party Site where the allegedly infringing content is located. Contact the website directly to request removal or compliance with your copyright.

  2. Contact the Hosting Company: If the website does not respond or if you need further assistance, contact the hosting company of the Third-Party Site. Hosting companies are typically responsive to copyright infringement notifications.

  3. Contact the Domain Registrar: If necessary, contact the domain registrar of the website where the infringing content is hosted. Registrars can assist in resolving issues related to domain ownership and compliance with legal obligations.